26-28 June
The theme for the 2014 conference is convergence><divergence, which we hope will stimulate delegates to explore the points of connection and departure from traditional health professionals education, as well as to develop collaborative partnerships that are cognisant of diversity.
The 2014 SAAHE conference is being hosted by the University of the Western Cape, in collaboration with CPT, UCT and Stellenbosch. For more information, go to
Important dates:
- 24 October, 2013: First call for workshop proposals
- 6 December, 2013: Deadline for workshop proposals
- 30 December, 2013: Notification of workshop acceptance
For addtional details, please contanct Dr. Michael Rowe (, Chairperson of the 2014 Organising Committee.
When is the call for posters and article presentations coming out.
We will be announcing the call for posters and abstracts within the next week.