Chair: Prof Sumaiya Adam
(University of Pretoria)
Prof Bernard Gaede
(University of Kwazulu Natal)
Dr Carol Hartmann
(University of the Witwatersrand)
Vision and Mission
The focal points of the SIG will be instrumental in addressing the multifaceted challenges of the healthcare sector and ensuring the development of a resilient, competent, and innovative healthcare workforce. The focuses of the SIG include:
- Platform for Sharing Thoughts, Ideas, and Resources: The SIG serves as a dynamic platform where educators, practitioners, and students in healthcare sciences and medical sciences can exchange innovative ideas, pedagogical strategies, and valuable resources on curriculum transformation. This open exchange is aimed at enhancing the quality of healthcare education and practice by fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation.
- Connecting Like-Minded Individuals: By bringing together individuals who share a passion for improving healthcare education and practice, the SIG facilitates the creation of a strong professional network on curriculums. This network not only supports personal and professional development but also amplifies the collective impact of its members on healthcare education and delivery in South Africa.
- Working Towards Better Healthcare in South Africa: The SIG is committed to contributing to the improvement of healthcare outcomes in the country. This is achieved through the transformation of curriculum and teaching methodologies to ensure they are relevant, equitable, and capable of preparing healthcare professionals who can meet the current and future healthcare needs of South Africa’s diverse population.
- Collaborative Research: Recognising the importance of evidence-based practices, the SIG emphasises collaborative research among its members and beyond. This research focus aims at investigating innovative educational strategies, curriculum design, and healthcare interventions that could lead to significant improvements in healthcare education and services. Collaborative research not only enriches the knowledge base but also fosters a culture of inquiry and evidence-based decision-making in healthcare education and practice.
The establishment of a Special Interest Group (SIG) for Recurriculation and Curriculum Transformation in healthcare and medical sciences in South Africa is a pivotal response to the urgent need for educational reform amid the evolving healthcare landscape. This initiative is critical, driven by local health challenges, global healthcare shifts, and the essential demand for inclusivity and equity in healthcare education.
South Africa’s healthcare system, burdened by disease, inequity, and workforce constraints, requires an educational overhaul. The curriculum must not only foster clinical excellence but also equip future healthcare professionals with innovative skills to tackle complex health issues. The SIG is at the forefront of entrusting that the curriculum meets both current needs and future expectations, aiming for inclusivity by breaking down historical barriers in education and healthcare access. This includes making the educational content and opportunities accessible and relevant to all, fostering a diverse and competent workforce.
Adapting to global health trends, the SIG integrates global health perspectives, digital competencies, and interprofessional education, preparing graduates for the global health community. Emphasising innovative learning and teaching strategies, such as interactive learning and simulation-based learning, the SIG seeks to improve educational outcomes and prepare students for clinical realities.
Furthermore, the SIG promotes a culture of research and collaboration, encouraging evidence-based educational reforms and facilitating exchanges among educators, practitioners, and students. This collaborative platform enhances the quality and relevance of healthcare education through recirculation and curriculum transformation.
In essence, the SIG in Recurriculation and Curriculum Transformation represents a strategic and collective effort to advance healthcare education in South Africa, aiming to prepare healthcare professionals who are clinically proficient and capable of navigating modern healthcare complexities. Through curriculum transformation, the SIG champions a forward-thinking, equitable, and inclusive approach to healthcare education, contributing significantly to improving healthcare outcomes in South Africa.
To join any of our SIG’s and obtain SAAHE membership, please complete the membership form