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KwaZulu-Natal region

Member: Dr Veena Singaram

Institution: UKZN

Dr Veena S Singaram, is a senior lecturer Academic Leader of Research at the School of Clinical Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Her qualifications include a BMedSc (UKZN), MMedSc (UKZN), Certificate in Higher Education Practice (Oxford Brookes University, U.K) and PhD in Health Professions Education (Maastricht University, Netherlands). Dr Singaram is a fellow of the Sub-Saharan African Foundation for Advancement in Medical Education and Research and served on the SAFRI Board.  She served as the SAAHE treasurer for three terms and Chairs the Kwa-Zulu Natal Chapter. She has published widely in health professions education and has graduated, supervised and examined several doctoral and masters students nationally and internationally. She has conducted workshops, presented and chaired at numerous international and national conferences and was appointed the national Conference Chair for the sixth and eleventh SAAHE conferences.   Dr Singaram was awarded several research grants and is a reviewer for several international journals.  Her scholarly interests include: developing student’s potentialities, technology enhanced learning, formative assessment feedback, and collaborative learning environments within a transformative learning paradigm.

       Member: Dr Pavitra Pillay  

Institution: DUT

Dr Pavitra Pillay is the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Durban University of Technology. She has a Masters’ degree in Public Health and a PhD in Public Health. She registered as a Cytotechnologist and worked at the Regional Laboratory Services KZN, before entering academia, where she currently has 27 years’ experience. At DUT, she has worked in several roles including, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, HOD and Deputy Dean.

She engages actively in curriculum development and continuing professional development. She is also passionate about growing teaching and learning and research in the Faculty of Health Sciences, and engages actively in research supervision, research examination and other peer review and capacity building activities. She chairs the Teaching and Learning, and Community Engagement Committees in the Faculty of Health Sciences. She also engages with several  professional boards and other regulatory bodies on clinical training and other related matters from professions in alignment with the programmes offered in the Health Sciences Faculty at DUT.

She is also the co-director of the Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research (CBTHR). This is a non-profit research organization which consists of global scientists who are committed to contribute to the improvement of outcomes for patients and health professionals with a focus on the female health, adolescent health, reproductive health, HIV transmission, and gender issues. Her research interests include women’s health, particularly cervical cancer, HPV and risky adolescent sexual behavior. Other research interests include infectious diseases, molecular diagnostics, public health and epidemiology.

She is a member of the panel of experts in the Greenflag Association, which has the vision of providing healthy living and safe air quality. Dr Pillay is also the Vice Chair of the South African Committee of Health Sciences Deans (SACoHSD). This is an association that was founded to facilitate the transformation of Health Sciences faculties so that healthcare education, research, social and legislative imperatives can be addressed and monitored.

Member: Dr Fazila Ally

Institution: DUT

Member: Dr Elizabeth Ojewole Institution: UKZN

Member: Prof Ashley Ross

Institution: DUT


Member: Prof Andrew Ross

Institution: UKZN