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WC Journal club: Clinical reasoning skills

On Thursday, 6th June (2013), the Western Cape regional SAAHE committee hosted their first journal club of 2013 at the Tygerberg campus of Stellenbosch University. The topic of the meeting was Clinical Reasoning and was presented by Professors Vanessa Burch (UCT) and Juanita Bezuidenhout (Stellenbosch).

We wanted to experiment with the use of technology to enable those who were unable to attend to also participate in some way. Unfortunately, we were unable to set up both the video or audio broadcast, and didn’t manage to record the audio for later download. However, we did get the Google Document set up, which enabled us to share the notes that were taken at the meeting. We hope that next time we’ll be able to add another aspect to the meeting that will further enable those who can’t attend to benefit from the group discussion – possibly a podcast of the audio. Please bear with us as we learn from our mistakes and continue to improve the service.

Here is the link to the shared document in Google Drive.


  • Braude, H. (2013). Human all too human reasoning: Comparing clinical and phenomenological intuition. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 38:173-189.
  • Charlin, B. et al. (2012). Clinical reasoning processes: Unravelling complexity through graphical representation. Medical Education, 46: 454-463.
  • Marcum, J. (2012). An integrated model of clinical reasoning: Dual process theory of cognition and metacognition. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18: 954-961.

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Comments (1)

Note: This comment has been copied from another instance of WordPress. It was originally posted by Ronel Maart.

Thanks for your presentation notes-I found it valuable since I was unable to attend the presentation. Teaching students clinical reasoning skills is challenging; the notes on ” organised thinking’ and that students should start with the necessary knowlegde was of particular insight. Ronel Maart (UWC-Dental faculty)

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