Over the past few years the SAAHE membership list has grown, as more and more people attend the national conference. Up until now this has been the primary means by which the organisation has expanded and acquired new members, since by attending the conference you were considered a part of the SAAHE community.
We would now like to begin a more formal approach to membership so that we can keep our list updated and more accurate. Membership is still free but requires that you formally opt-in to be a SAAHE member. This will allow us to update our records, as well as determine who would like to continue receiving SAAHE newsletters.
To register for SAAHE membership, please complete the registration form. Note that if you consider yourself a SAAHE member and are receiving these emails, we still ask that you complete the registration form, since it includes information that we currently do not have as part of our national member database. Completing the form will take less than 2 minutes.