Update: The deadline for nominations has been extended to 11th March. Please ensure that your nominations are submitted by midnight.
The annual SAAHE distinguished educator award recognises an academic in health science education who has made a significant contribution either in teaching in the health sciences or who has contributed to the development of scholarship in the discipline of health science education. The award seeks to recognise excellence at a national level and to create awareness of what constitutes excellence in health science education.
It’s that time of year again when we are accepting nominations for the SAAHE Distinguished Educator and Research awards. Please download a nomination form below and let us know who you think is most deserving of this recognition.
The closing date for nominations is the 31st March, 2014 and winners will be announced at the 2014 conference. Please submit completed nomination forms to Michael Rowe (mrowe@uwc.ac.za).
Click on the links below to download the relevant forms:
I will send the different forms separately