Chair: Prof. Francois Cilliers
(University of Cape Town)
vision and mission
is to form a community of practice for SAAHE educators to support each other, share ideas and advice, join in research initiatives and also present short courses/workshops to support the development of HPE assessment in our SAAHE region.
Assessment is a rapidly developing science in HPE and many educators find it intimidating. There is ample literature testifying to the challenges inherent in ensuring sound assessment-related decisions yet faculty teaching students in the health professions are seldom given more than cursory preparation for their assessment roles. Varying levels of confidence of educators in HPE with different aspects of their assessment role have been documented, this in well-resourced settings. Suboptimal practice has also been documented for various assessment methods in these settings. The challenges of undertaking sound assessment are all the greater in our settings and the implications of poor assessment practice are profound for all stakeholders.
Capacity building of assessment competencies and skills is important for the SAAHE region. The purpose of this group is to help address these issues in our local context.
For any further information contact Prof Cilliers at
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