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Research SIG - Doctoral Dilemma Space 2024

Calling all doctoral candidates and supervisors!

Join us on Tuesday before the conference for this amazing event crafted as a safe space for doctoral candidates to discuss dilemmas and get unstuck!


The SAAHE Doctoral Dilemma Space is an event sponsored by SAAHE Council in the interests of advancing research on health professions education in our region. There is therefore no fee for this interactive seminar where you can share and discuss a dilemma from your doctoral research with other doctoral candidates and supervisors.

The environment is crafted around you and the idea is that it is a supportive space where you present your dilemma to fellow PhD candidates and their supervisors. Everyone works together to discuss options for getting you unstuck.

The expectation is not that you present a beautifully packaged insight from your PhD! This is rather the opportunity to share how you are grappling with conceptualizing a key theoretical concept; or struggling to make sense of your data analysis; or how to present your findings; or any other dilemma you are grappling with.

Feedback from previous events has highlighted the immense value of insights from the discussions, opportunities to get multiple perspectives and to network with others tackling their doctorate.

When: Tuesday 25 June 2024 (Lunch will be provided)

Where: Gateway Hotel, Umhlanga, Durban (TBC)

Click here to register: SAAHE Doctoral Dilemma Space 2024



  1. For the application, you will need to formulate your dilemma in 300 words, so do this before you tackle the application. Here are some guidelines:
    Please provide some context to your study and then describe your dilemma. You might also want to explain why is this a dilemma and how has it come about? At what point in your study did you identify this issue as a possible dilemma? What have you encountered in your reading/research that either contributes to your dilemma, or might provide a way out of it? How are you currently planning to address it? Are you aware of others who have encountered similar dilemmas? What is it that you want from other participants in the Space?
  2. While there is no fee for the seminar, you are responsible for your travel and accommodation costs.
  3. You do not have to be a SAAHE member to take advantage of this opportunity. If you attend the conference, your membership fee for 1 year is included in the registration fee. If you are not going to attend the conference and would like to join SAAHE, please follow the link in the Membership Notice below.

If you also intend to register for the SAAHE Conference 2024, early registration closes on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

SAAHE: Student body


As one of the main pillars of the Assocation, the Student Chapter is a place for undergraduate and post graduate students interested in Health Professions Education to come together, share ideas and feed into educating future health educationalists.


  • The student chapter will have a similar organisational structure as the Association, e.g. President, Chapter representatives, etc.
  • Serve on local events committees and assist with organising the annual conference.
Want to become a member?
Contact Dr Karien Henrico ( or Dr Lizel Hudson ( for more information.

Annual General Meeting 2024

Dear SAAHE Members (and other interested parties).
You are invited to attend the hybrid Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Date and Time: 26 June 2024 from 17:00 – 18:00. 
Venue: Hybrid. Details to be confirmed.
Please contact Arnelle Mostert ( by 14 June 2024 should you wish to place any points on the agenda.
Kind regards
SAAHE National Council


SAAHE Conference 2024 - Abstract submissions open

We have some exciting news to share!

Due to the remarkable responses and numerous requests received, we are delighted to announce a one-week extension of the deadline for abstract submissions for SAAHE 2024!

Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 21 February 2024

To submit your abstract, please visit:

Should you require any assistance with your abstract submission, please email:

The following link will take you to the Poster (link), which you can look at for more information.

Call for submissions SAAHE Best Publication in Health Professions Education 2024

The award for the SAAHE Best Publication in Health Professions Education (HPE) is made annually to promote excellence in research in HPE, as an important component of advancing the field of HPE. This award is for a peer-reviewed publication (paper or book chapter) on HPE or HPE research, with a Southern African first author.

The winning publication will be announced at the annual SAAHE conference and will receive a certificate of recognition. Please note that the submitting authors/authors of the publication can receive the prize in person but that no financial support will be made available by SAAHE for them to attend the conference.


  • The article or book chapter will be reviewed on the impact that it had in the field of HPE and should have been published in the five-year period up to 31 December of the previous year of the call (e.g., 1 Jan 2018 to 31 Dec 2022, for the 2024 award).

  • The first or last (senior) author must submit the publication and this submitting author must be a member of a Southern African chapter of SAAHE.

  • Only published, peer-reviewed articles or book chapters will be considered, not manuscripts accepted or in press, or complete books.

  • In the case of articles, only full-length articles will qualify (for example, short communications, editorials, letters to the editor, commentaries and reports will not be eligible).

  • Only one entry per year per submitting author is allowed.

  • All authors must approve that the article or book chapter may be entered for the award, since the publication is considered for the award, not the individual authors.



    A PDF of the publication should be submitted. In the case of a book chapter, information about the book in which the chapter has been published and proof of peer review should also be submitted.

    A motivation on the attached form, outlining the significance of the publication, should also be submitted. This motivation could address the impact of the publication on the science and/or practice of HPE and how the findings have been communicated to audiences other than the journal/book’s readership (see Criteria below). Submissions should be sent to (and copy

    Deadline for submissions: Monday 1 April 2024

    Queries about this award can be directed to: (and copy

  • Click here to download full details and criteria

Call for nominations SAAHE Distinguished Educator 2024

The annual SAAHE Distinguished Educator Award recognises an individual in health professions education (HPE) who has made a significant contribution to teaching in the health professions and who has contributed to the development of scholarship in the field of HPE. The award seeks to recognise excellence at a national, and even international level, and to create an awareness of what constitutes excellence in HPE. As such, this is the premier award of its kind in Southern Africa.

The winner of the award will receive a certificate and will deliver the “Distinguished Educator’s address” in a plenary session at the SAAHE conference in the year of receiving the award. The award also covers the cost of travel, accommodation and registration for the conference that year.


Any SAAHE member who has been involved in educational scholarship and leadership, the teaching of a health professions discipline or in the development and administration of the discipline of HPE in a public higher education institution where there is a SAAHE chapter established is eligible for this award. A person may only receive the award once.


The criteria by which nominations will be evaluated can be downloaded below.

The closing date for nominations is Monday 1 April 2024.

  • Nominations must be submitted to (and copy

  • Potential candidates must be nominated by a SAAHE member.

  • The nomination must include the following:

    o A completed nomination form (see below) indicating the name and affiliation of the person being nominated, as well as the name and contact details of the nominator.

    o A critical overview (of not more than 1 000 words) of the nominee’s contribution, as relevant to the criteria of the award (see below).

    o A recent CV of the nominee.
    o A portfolio of evidence (not exceeding 30 pages) relevant to the criteria for the

    award. The portfolio must include the teaching philosophy of the nominee.

  • A panel of reviewers, as stipulated in the Award Guidelines document, nominated by the SAAHE Regional Council will assess each application and make a

recommendation for ratification by SAAHE Council.

  • The successful nominee must be available to deliver the “Distinguished Educator’s address” at the SAAHE conference in the year of receiving the award and will be notified of the outcome at least six weeks before the conference.

  • Unsuccessful nominees are encouraged to apply again.

    Click here to download the nomination form and criteria.

Call for nominations SAAHE Council Medal 2024

Nominations are invited for the inaugural award of the SAAHE Council Medal. This award recognises the exceptional contribution made by an individual to the field of health professions education in Southern Africa over the course of a career.

The winner will be announced at the annual SAAHE conference and will receive the prestigious SAAHE Council Medal. The award winner can receive the award in person but note that no financial support will be made available by SAAHE for the winner to attend the conference.


Nominations should be submitted on or before Monday 1 April 2024

  • Nominations must be submitted to and copy

  • Nominations can be made by individual SAAHE members, a SAAHE Chapter or SAAHE Council members. While not compulsory, nominations should ideally be seconded by up to three people.

  • Nomination should be done by way of a written submission of approximately one page. The nomination should highlight the contribution the person has made across the spectrum of work in the field of health professions education in Southern Africa. This could include teaching, educational research, management and/or leadership. Contributions to SAAHE should be specifically highlighted.

  • The members of the SAAHE Council will assess each application received on or before the closing date. Awards will be made at the discretion of SAAHE Council and may not be made every year.