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Faculty Development

Chair: Dr Rhoda Meyer

(Stellenbosch University)


Prof Lynette van der Merwe
(University of the Free State)

Prof Jacky van Wyk
(University of Cape Town)

Vision and mISsion

Our vision is to foster the growth and development of a Faculty Development community of practice (COP) in the SAAHE region. Such a group will serve as a support framework for health professions educators in their increasingly complex roles (Leslie et al, 2013) and can strengthen support to HPE across programmes and institutions.


Our mission is to collaborate with others on research-based best practices in Faculty Development to create context-appropriate programmes/interventions that are responsive to the needs of faculty, students, and society.


Faculty development is an important component of health professions education (HPE) to equip healthcare educators i.e., faculty and clinical teachers with the competencies to apply educational principles and practice as they train the next generation of healthcare professionals. The changes in the HPE context both globally and nationally, requires adaptability, innovation, and accountability to changing societal needs, service delivery requirements, and stakeholder expectations. Faculty development thus becomes central in producing health professions graduates who can navigate and serve in this complex and ever-changing environment.

It is envisaged that the Faculty Development SIG will offer a valuable opportunity for members of SAAHE to engage in conversations on enhancing the value of faculty development programmes for HPE, and implementing research-based best practices to advance faculty development among SAAHE members and their respective institutions and contexts. Strengthening the role of faculty in teaching, learning, and assessment, has benefits for students, institutions, and health professions education in South Africa, as it will offer an opportunity to develop and nurture pedagogical skills that will help educators to be responsive to students’ learning needs in the context of the changing healthcare landscape. We also believe that a SIG will assist in taking this focus area forward through networking and collaboration.


Plan of action for 2024

  • Communication with SIG members – end of Feb
  • Webinar – mid March 2024
  • FacDev workshop – (in conference) SAAHE conference 2024
  • Journal Club session – October 2024

To join any of our SIG’s and obtain SAAHE membership, please complete the membership form