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Ottawa 2020 Conference

AMEE is co-organiser of the Ottawa 2020 Conference “Assessment of health professionals and evaluation of programmes: Best practice and future development”. Ottawa 2020 provides an international forum for all involved in assessment and evaluation throughout the continuum and across all the healthcare professions to come together to discuss current practice and future developments. State of the art sessions by experts in plenaries, workshops and symposia are integrated with presentations from participants from around the world who have come to share their experiences and to learn from those of others. Teachers in the undergraduate curriculum, postgraduate trainers, CPD providers, assessment specialists, students, deans, curriculum planners, researchers and administrators are all represented and sessions relevant for them are included in the conference programme.

The important work on Consensus Statements and Recommendations as to best practice in assessment and evaluation will be continued at Ottawa 2020, with the opportunity for all participants to take part in this initiative in the areas of Performance Assessment, Technology in Assessment and Programmatic Assessment.

With more than 1,000 participants from over 50 countries expected at the conference, both those highly experienced in assessment and evaluation and those new to the area, we believe Ottawa 2020 is a conference not to be missed.

Please see the website for the provisional programme, registration and abstract details. Abstracts for oral presentation, poster presentation and conference workshops should be submitted by 15 September. The earlybird registration ends on 15 December.

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