Note: This page has been updated to reflect extensions to the submission deadlines for the two awards.
We are pleased to announce the call for nominations for both the Distinguished Educator and Best Publication awards for 2017.
The annual SAAHE Distinguished Educator Award recognises an individual in health sciences education who has made a significant contribution either in teaching in the health sciences or who has contributed to the development of scholarship in the discipline of health sciences education. The award seeks to recognise excellence at a national level and to create an awareness of what constitutes excellence in health sciences education. As such, this is the premier award of its kind in South Africa.
The award for Best Publication is made annually to promote excellence in research in health sciences education (HSE), as an important component of advancing the field of HSE. This award is for a peer-reviewed publication (paper; book chapter) on HSE or HSE research, with a South African first author, published anywhere.
The closing deadlines for nominations are:
- 29 May: Distinguished Educator (download the nomination form)
- 02 June: Best Publication (download the nomination form)